
Monday, July 30, 2012

How to fix a mini-frig with a leaking evaporator

Recently I had the opportunity to repair a mini-frig which had been thawed out with an ice pick. The owner knocked a hole in the evaporation plate. Find the hole and repair it with epoxy. Vacuum out the system. Recharge to between 5PSI max and 0 PSI minimum.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

I charge up an ice box for Larry

Monday, April 23, 2012

How to hotwire a window unit

Today I been busy working on a couple of window units to be donated to a small church out in the country yall. I hotwired one with a bad control and I simply added a receptacle plug on the other. Both work fine. Took a few videos:

Friday, April 13, 2012

MonkeyWards Dryer

My buddy Robert brought by a Norge/Montgomery wards/Crosley style dryer made by Maycor. (Maytag Corp). The blower wheel was worn out. I went over the innards of this dryer; Did a video:

Amana Dryer tuneup

Recently I had the opportunity to check out a Fast Lady. That is corporate lingo for a Speed Queen type appliance. This Maytag/Amana/SQ style dryer is fairly easy to check out. I took it all apart and checked every component on it. I did 3 videos:

Friday, March 30, 2012

Magic Chef Ice box revamp

I was working on a ice box and made a few videos. Took a few photos. The ice box would not run at all. This was one Larry picked up from Salvation army. I did few checks and found a burned up harness connection block.Once I was able to repair that she came to life. I let her run all night and the next day I had 35 degrees in the freezer. So I tapped the ice box and applied a small amount of gas very slowly till it had 5PSI on the low side. I let it run some more and the following day it was in great shape. Normal temp bottom and topside. I added water to the ice maker and it tossed out a batch. Here are some repair pix and videos (Raw footage). Keep tender ears away this is repair folk lingo Yall. LOL:
- JDizzle
This video shows me wiring the ice box while checking out a washer:
I added a cup of water to the ice maker and we have ice Yall. Where's the beer we has ice! Later Gator